
My hygienist said my gingivitis had completely cleared up...

Feb 01, 2007

My hygienist said my gingivitis had completely cleared up and congratulated me on my excellent flossing program. I told her I never floss and said it must be due to my RADIUS toothbrush massaging my gums while cleaning my teeth. I gave her one, but she didn't like it and used it, instead, to clean her shoes. I then gave some to my dentist and his assistants and they love them. Now my hygienist sheepishly asked for another one which I gave her and she now swears by it. I give them to all my family and friends for stocking stuffers and get a lot of repeat requests. I wish I could buy them in Canada but Loblaw (National Grocers) doesn't carry them anymore and neither does Wal-Mart or A&P. I love them. When I am forced to use a regular toothbrush it seems so inferior and takes forever. I guess I'm a fan.

Terry Coughlin

Ontario, Canada